Holy Week at FBC

FBC Waco is excited to worship with you this week as we celebrate the risen king! See below to learn about what is happening this week in the church!
Wednesday at First, April 5
- 11:00 am—Midweek Connection (Chapel)
- 12:00 pm—Ladies’ Bible Study (Parlor)
- 5:00 pm—Fellowship Meal (Fellowship Hall)
- 6:00 pm—Sanctuary Choir Rehearsal, Children’s and Youth Activities, and Adult Bible Study
Maundy Thursday, April 6
- 6:00 pm—Maundy Thursday Worship, including Lord’s Supper (Sanctuary)
Good Friday, April 7—Church Office closed
Easter Sunday, April 9
- 9:00 am - Spanish service in the Garden need to Clay Ave
- 9:00 am—Sunday school
- 10:30 am—Worship
- No evening activities