Latin America Missions

Ecuador Information

The main purpose of your visit is to provide a direct engagement opportunity with the created order, local people and projects that have been developed through the partnership between First Baptist Church Waco and the Ecuadorian Baptist Convention.  We have found that this experience gives you a much better grasp of that “thing” that is called “mission.”  We believe you will come to see that God is active globally and ours is simply to share in that action according to the gifts and needs we share with those whom we encounter.  Further, we hope you will come to see the richness of all of God’s creation and share an awareness of our position relative to the Whole.

Above all, our desire is for the transformation of individual participants so that they begin to see the world and their place in the world through new eyes and with a greater sense of consciousness.  Time spent in Puyo, therefore, will act as a catalyst for future engagement at home as opposed to an end in itself.

Click Here for Program Handbook

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