Every Wednesday, 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM
We invite children from preschool through sixth grade for activities on Sundays and Wednesdays. Wednesdays at 6:00 pm will offer a more relaxed program with a Bible lesson plus time to play and work on homework with help from our volunteers. Both gatherings will take place on the interior playground (with indoor alternatives during inclement weather)—please enter through the fellowship hall gate from the covered walkway facing Clay Avenue. For more info contact Katelyn ( ) or JoEllen ( ).
On Wednesdays, the youth enjoy some food and fellowship in the Fellowship Hall starting at 5:00 pm. Starting at 6:00pm, in the youth room (room 210), the Youth lead some worship and devotional, and then we participate in a super fun group activity, ranging from Nerf Wars to Spicy Uno .For more info contact Dan and Caroline Shaffer at
Our college students are encouraged to participate in all-church activities on Wednesdays such as all-church dinner at 5:00pm in the Fellowship Hall and intergenerational Bible study at 6:00pm in room 101. Students will have other daily opportunities on campus and around Waco. Look for more details through the college ministry newsletter and social media, or contact Ryan for more info ( ).
Our young adults are encouraged to participate in all-church activities on Wednesdays such as all-church dinner at 5:00pm in the Fellowship Hall and intergenerational Bible study at 6:00pm in room 101. For more info contact Josh ( ).
We invite senior life members for to join us every Wednesday at 11am for Midweek Connections. We will begin with worship in the chapel followed by lunch and games afterwards in the fellowship hall. Reservations are required for lunch. Please email to reserve this free meal by the week prior. In the evening all senior life members are invited to join our church family meal at 5:00 in the fellowship hall followed by our midweek message at 6:00. We are excited for your presence to strengthen our community of faith!
Rehearsal for the sanctuary choir will meet on Wednesdays at 6:00 in the choir room. Handbell rehearsal beings at 5:15 in room 103-A For more info contact Andy ( ).