Ladies' Midweek Bible Study

Ladies' Midweek Bible Study

Every Wednesday, from 03/23/2022 to 05/04/2022, 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM

Location: Large Parlor, Waco, TX US 76706


 All ladies are invited for an 8-week Bible study taught by Rebecca Hays beginning on March 16 at noon in the FBC Parlor. You may bring lunch with you or pick up a meal from the Fellowship Hall on the way. The study will wrap up in less than an hour so that those using their lunch break to attend can return to work. See below for a preview of what we are studying!

The Hebrew word “hallelu-jah” means (in Texan) “all y’all praise Yahweh!” The collection of Psalms 113–118 is known as “the Egyptian Hallel” because these psalms praise God for his works of deliverance—exemplified by his bringing Israel out of slavery in Egypt. For thousands of years, Jewish worshippers have sung these psalms on Passover, and traditionally these were the songs Jesus sang with his disciples before going from their last supper together out to the Garden of Gethsemane and then to the cross (Matt 26:30, Mark 14:26). This spring, we’re going to walk through these psalms together as we consider what it really means to worship a God who delivers, protects, provides, demands, equips, and calls. We hope you can join us for this exciting study!

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